Stk Number: AC-ASC002
Charcoal Tubes, 2"
Price: $0.00
Package Size: 1
Dimensions: 2"


Air Sampler Charcoal Tubes are ideal for use in detecting radioactive iodine when used in conjunction with a low volume air sampler (I.e., 4 LPM).

The tubes are 3/4 inch in diameter (O.D.) and filled with TEDA-treated, activated coconut shell charcoal. The ends are capped with tapered 1/4" tube fittings. This permits easy attachment of 1/4" (I.D.) tubing for connection to the air sampler. Each tube is labeled with radioactive material warning and air flow direction indicator.

The absorption efficiency of the charcoal has been measured at 99.9% for radioiodine.


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